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How can we empower our teens to become confident, caring young adults? 

Technology has sky-rocketed, and today's youth are driven by immediate gratification and constant exposure to social media. This brings peer pressure and insecurity that far surpasses any other generation.


Bill Cho's United Taekwondo Center empowers our youth to find acceptance, self-confidence and self-esteem in themselves and their abilities. We promote leadership in our young adults; teaching them the power of their words and actions, and providing opportunities to make a positive impact in this fast-paced world. 



Positive friendships create positive influences. Friendships help teens feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. At Bill Cho's United Taekwondo Center, we believe that this positivity can be cultivated and encouraged in our students. 


We help our students find their personal strengths, and encourage them to use those strengths to build into others. This environment of support and encouragement naturally leads to positive relationships that continue to grow and develop along their taekwondo journey.


Student Creed


  • We Shall Build Ourselves Mentally and Physically

  • We Shall Build Friendships With One Another, In Order to Form a Strong, United Group

  • We Shall Never Fight to Achieve Selfish Ends, But Develop Might For Right


Mental and physical challenges stretch us and bring growth. When we encourage and support others through these challenges, it creates a strong bond, that unifies the group toward a common goal. 


Today's youth are our future leaders. At Bill Cho's United Taekwondo Center, we build into our teens; helping them have the eyes to see the need in others, the heart to have the desire to help, and the mindset to use their talents, skills and abilities to make a difference.


Our leadership program has been specially designed by Grand Master Cho to teach and train; providing valuable, engaging curriculum as well as hands on opportunities to put their training into action. 


Bill Cho's is an amazing school, with awesome instructors who have a tremendous ability to teach to all different student levels, skill sets and personality types. Bill Cho's United Taekwondo really helps students build true confidence, and as a parent you can see it affect all aspects of their life! Highly recommend Bill Cho's!!


Daca Pavlovic

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